Cyber Security Testing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For more than 15 years, ScienceSoft has been delivering full-scale consulting services in information security. We help our customers to protect their IT environments by proactively identifying security threats and gaps.

Enhance your information security through our competencies to:

  • Monitor how protected and robust your cyber-environment is against APTs, ransomware, and other offenses.
  • Identify existing vulnerabilities in your network to prevent potential attacks.
  • Uplevel the performance of your information security solutions.
  • Timely detect cyberattacks in your network.
  • Keep your sensitive data secure.
  • Ensure you’re compliant with information security standards in your industry.


Companies of any size are getting exposed to advanced persistent threats (APTs) more than ever. ScienceSoft’s security consultants configure and fine-tune SIEM solutions to perform proactive detection of APTs to avoid financial losses, sensitive data leaks, and retain corporate reputation.

ScienceSoft’s SIEM team will help your organization resist APTs by fine-tuning your security solution to make it scan your network thoroughly.

  • We check how well QRadar monitors the network and analyze if the platform can reveal APT presence.
  • We fine-tune your SIEM solution to enable proper monitoring of your current security state and detect visible signs of an APT.
  • We configure and fine-tune QRadar to factor in possible attack scenarios so that it can detect APT symptoms.
  • We provide QRadar with a set of specific correlation rules that will allow you to catch APTs in your particular business environment.

APT-focused SIEM solutions allow companies to:


their IT landscapes at different levels to capture an APT at any stage.


all security events in a single console. This enables detecting APT symptoms using the entire set of security parameters available in SIEM platforms.


strong anti-APT defense in line with industry best practices.


ScienceSoft delivers penetration testing to identify potential gaps in companies’ networks that intruders can breakthrough.

  • In cooperation with our customers, we choose between Black Box, White Box, or Grey Box penetration testing to pick the profile that suits your case best.
  • We develop custom test scenarios to check networks, applications, services, and operating systems.
  • We use some attacking techniques, such as SQL injection, spoofing, social engineering, etc., to cover every scenario that intruders may exploit to assail your company.
  • We analyze test results and put them together in a comprehensive report. The report shows how easy existing vulnerabilities are to exploit and how much damage such an exploit can cause to a compromised system.
  • We develop a rehabilitation scenario that includes our recommendations on how to eliminate the revealed aberrations and achieve shellproof protection. On-demand, we will fix the vulnerabilities properly.

Penetration testing allows our customers to:

  • Get a comprehensive overview of their network, application, and operating system vulnerabilities to be proactive and prevent attacks instead of combatting them.
  • Check if a system’s defense is still rocking after adding new applications, seriously modifying the current ones, or introducing new offices.
  • Understand if the current defense is sufficient, or if they should take measures to improve it.
  • Reveal potentially dangerous non-compliance with corporate security policies and industry-specific security requirements, such as GLBA, HIPAA, PCI DSS, FISMA/NIST, both compulsory and non-mandatory.
  • Prevent downtimes caused by systems’ inoperability that can spiral into huge financial losses and reputation damage.


ScienceSoft provides identity and access management (IAM) services based on IBM Security Identity and Access Manager.

ScienceSoft’s consultants will help you to keep your data safe by consulting on proper configuration of IAM Manager under your security landscape:

Role-based access

We implement role-based access in your system to keep cybercriminals away from your sensitive data.

User account life cycle automation

We automate user account life cycles to optimize their output and facilitate user profiles management.

Segregation of duties

We implement the segregation of duties model to enable flawless system performance when more than one user executes a task.

Why go for IAM:

  • To control access to corporate data.
  • To ban unreliable users’ access to corporate resources and sensitive data and to provide both data integrity and their accessibility for authorized persons at the same time.
  • To detect the presence of malicious administrators in your IT department.

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