Instatech AWS Consulting Software Industry

Instatech Industry Solutions

Grow Developer Agility and Application Reliability

Instatech helps software companies deliver high-quality code that improves customer satisfaction, helps capture new markets and gain competitive advantage. For many software companies, the only constant is change — change that meets customer’s growing expectations, change that accelerates innovation and change that creates greater competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

Yet, achieving this level of innovation-driven change can be challenging, especially for companies who are looking for software modernization that effectively transitions a legacy, monolithic code base. As a monolith grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for developers to master the code base and reliance on tribal knowledge grows. These fragile systems cause bottlenecks that delay product delivery and present a risk to customer retention as one error could take down the entire app, negatively affecting the customer experience.

Instatech strategy and skilled teams help software companies:

Migrate to an agile self-serve platform

Improve developer productivity by enabling fast, consistent provisioning. Free developers from IT wait times with the help of services like AWS Service Catalog, allowing them to focus instead on quality throughput.

Increase code quality

Reduce the dev-test cycle for better quality releases. Accelerate innovation by creating code delivery pipelines that promote innovation and enable the easy, efficient delivery of quality software.

Decrease the time between idea and product

DevOps cloud automation reduces handoffs and speeds time to market, keeping developers working on strategic, business-impacting work. Reduce the cost of failure and iteration time while improving continuity.

Address the skills gap with knowledge transfer

Upskill your team with Instatech knowledge transfer. Complement training with IT automation that expands team capacity.

Agile at Work

  • Secure, Agile Code Pipelines

We build pipelines that are designed with a “Security with Agility” approach, effectively balancing the needs of both development and security teams. Supported by self-service IT, developers can operate with greater agility within the confines of a secure system, which means that they can deliver new products and services to market faster. Automation supports the flow of code through the pipeline, resulting in CI/CD that supports DevOps processes and greater development agility.


  • Scalable, Reliable SaaS Apps

financial services SaaS sought to migrate to AWS as it was challenged by its inability to scale effectively. The firm also needed to maintain compliance with PCI, FFIEC, and GLBA. Using the Instatech Enterprise DevOps Framework, Instatech built the firm a Instatech AWS Landing Zone complete with CIS Level 2 best practices and security services such as AWS Config, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS WAF, and HashiCorp Vault. With the addition of autoscaling, the firm saw greater scalability, cost optimization, and security and compliance.


  • Monolith Migration

healthcare SaaS provider worked with the microservices consulting team at Instatech to transform its application from a SaaS 1.0 to a SaaS 2.0 model with a migration to the AWS cloud. Interested in maximizing economies of scale, the teams built a Docker-based microservices architecture in AWS with automation. Breaking its monolithic application into smaller services helped address the organization’s need for cost efficiency and scalability by eliminating bottlenecks that occurred with its monolith efforts, increasing system stability while decreasing risk and increasing code throughput.


  • Build Security In

Follow security, internal operational and regulatory controls by building them into your solution. Our Security by Design framework builds security in from the outset by coding in security controls and best practices. Instatech helps customers implement and use tools like AWS WAF, IAM, AWS KMS, HashiCorp Vault and more to architect secure, compliant systems from the ground up.


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