A robust multi-cloud management platform offers many benefits, including:

  • Reduced strain on IT teams: By offering simplified, centralized management, a multi-cloud management solution allows IT teams to more effectively manage applications and workloads across multiple clouds.
  • Visibility: Without multi-cloud management, it’s difficult to monitor workloads and know what’s running where in a complex environment that spans multiple cloud providers. A good multi-cloud management solution offers visibility across the entire multi-cloud environment in order to enable businesses to reap the benefits of multi-cloud.
  • Security: It’s challenging to keep security policies consistent across cloud providers, andthe complexity of multi-cloud can contribute to security holes and an increased attack surface. A managed approach allows IT teams to deal with potential security issues proactively, rather than reactively. In addition, the best multi-cloud management platforms offer features such as security monitoring and automation, plus the ability to enforce security policies across platforms, which significantly reduces the difficulty of keeping your environment secure. 
  • Cost management: While many businesses adopt a multi-cloud strategy to take advantage of discounts and cost savings offered by different cloud providers, it’s easy to lose track of costs in the increased complexity of a multi-cloud environment. Multi-cloud management helps your business keep track of costs and usage, and some platforms even use intelligent data analysis to optimize cost management.
  • Increased availability: Availability is just one of the many advantages that businesses seek when they pursue a multi-cloud strategy. But to fully realize the benefits of multi-cloud, IT teams need to be able to duplicate and seamlessly migrate workloads when one environment fails. Effective multi-cloud management allows that to happen.


Today, most organizations use more than one public cloud service provider. This reduces dependency on any one vendor, allows the organization to take advantage of the relative strengths of each provider, and enables optimization of cloud usage and costs. However, the more cloud providers an organization uses, the more complex the task of managing them becomes. Multi-cloud management strategies and solutions seek to simplify and streamline management by providing a centralized management platform that integrates with other tools.

Containers and Kubernetes are key technologies for enabling multi-cloud management. Since containers bundle up apps with their dependencies and necessary services in a lightweight package, they make it easier for developers to build applications that can be deployed on any cloud. Kubernetes then allows those containers to be effectively managed, deployed and automated.

It’s common for multi-cloud management solutions to enable self-service access to resources to allow developers to choose the best cloud environment for their applications. Some solutions also include migration capabilities as well as business continuity/disaster recovery solutions. 


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